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BORN THAT WAY competitive intelligence, strategy guide, customer service Born That Way: Genes, Behavior, Personality
Genes   Behavior   Personality
William Wright
ISBN: 0415924944   Publisher: Routledge   1999   304 pages  About $15
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Our Overtake Perspective: How to Read a Book
We all work under DNA influence. Wright is right.
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1. The evidence is irrefutable. Our genes influence our personalities, temperament, behavior, traits, attitudes, aptitudes, motivation, our every thought and action. Our DNA is all-pervasive. Our nature is as much a product of evolution as our physiques. We are born that way.
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2. Tests have confirmed DNA influence on every measured trait, e.g., IQ, personality and occupational interests. This influence increases with age. We should regard our own strong interests, career, marriage, hobbies as expressions of our personal genetic makeup.
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3. There are two aspects of genetic influence that are particularly important for us. One is the capability of our genetic code to express itself in relation to any specific behavior. The second is the extent to which that expression actually influences that behavior. Rarely can any person control the first, i.e., genetic expression, but, for the second, our environment, i.e., our experience, training, education, location, accounts for as much as 50% of behavioral and performance variations. When medicated, more. Distinguish carefully between genes being expressed and the power of these expressions to influence behavior. Few can suppress their inherent tendencies. Many learn to develop them to maximize their potential or, conversely, to control their ability to damage. DNA influences -- it does not predetermine., overtake, small business finance, education, career training online
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Your Competitive Advantages:
Success = 2 parts DNA + 1 part MBA
Business people are far more born than made.
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1. Your DNA influences your strong interests. You will excel by working where your strong interests and aptitudes are constantly and deeply involved. It is your responsibility to seek work that best suits you. You have an innate advantage doing such work. It's in your DNA.
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2. A characteristic of many very successful entrepreneurs is their natural talent for judging people. Put them together with another person and after a short conversation they will simply know whether that other person is right for the job or if s/he is a 'wrong one.' Subsequent experience almost invariably bears them out. Does their DNA 'read' that of the other person? Very often this inherent competitive advantage is a foundation of their thriving business. Theirs is an inspired instinct. They are the gifted few.
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3. Your firm should employ only those whose strong interests are in the positions being filled. But no typical employer can get to know any prospective employee on the basis of one or two interviews and some personality tests as well as that employee should know him/herself. Until such time as reverse engineering enables us to read genetic source code we must -- and we should-- continue to use the best personality tests that industrial psychologists can make available to us to find out in advance if we are hiring 'the right DNA' for the job. It is no longer enough to hire primarily on the basis of experience and skills. The competitive advantage lies with those who know that business people are far more born than made. Believe it. We have expressed this concept elsewhere, and again above, as: Success = 2 parts DNA + 1 part MBA. Hiring the personality profile that the job requires is more important than the resume.
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Contrast that perspective on people with many of today's hiring practices where resumes are scanned by machine to search out key words, the resulting selection if prioritized by a (junior?) Human Resources administrator and these people at the top of this list are interviewed by a hiring manager who is often trying to 'hire her/himself' i.e. to hire that person who most closely resembles her/himself. That should certainly find people who resemble the hiring manager and are good at key word selection.
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If close attention is not paid to the personality and attitudes profile of potential employees then, since such attributes are, like IQ, distributed within the population along the famous Bell Curve, in a large group half the applicants must, by definition, be below average. Within any large workforce so hired half the employees will be tend to cause turbulence and cross-currents. That way does not lead to competitive advantage.
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4. Promotion decisions too should be 'DNA-based.' For the same reasons. Those who do the job must always have innate interests that match that job. Experience of being led, managed, supervised does not necessarily qualify any person for promotion to such a position which clearly needs different aptitudes, traits, temperament and behaviors -- a job-specific DNA? Leaders, managers, supervisors are born not made.
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5. Teams, to be successful, must also be 'DNA-based.' In selecting team-members ensure that not only are the skills required to do the job present, but that the individuals have, in the aggregate, all the personality traits needed to work together as a team without conflict. Teams should rarely, if ever, exceed five people, if you want to get things done effectively.
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